England Netball has developed a Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy and provides a range of guidance and resources to help safeguard from any risk of harm to young people and to ensure that any vulnerable young people are provided with the best support available. Whether you are a parent/carer, a young person or a Club Safeguardi
England Netball has developed a Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy and provides a range of guidance and resources to help safeguard from any risk of harm to young people and to ensure that any vulnerable young people are provided with the best support available. Whether you are a parent/carer, a young person or a Club Safeguarding Officer you will find a section on the ENjoy, ENtrust, ENsure pages of the our website, specific to your needs and links to lots of documents you need.
Thinkuknow keep children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. They aim to ensure that everyone has access to this practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them.
If you have any concerns about yourself, or a team member it is important to speak out.
Please complete the form below with as much information as possible.
If it is an emergency please call the police on 999
Norfolk County Netball Association